Carbon monoxide is odorless, colorless, and impossible to taste or smell. At lower levels of exposure, CO can cause flu-like symptoms, including headaches, dizziness, disorientation, nausea and fatigue. At higher levels, CO exposure can be fatal, which provides another excellent reason to check for its presence when these symptoms are presented.
Sources of carbon monoxide include unvented space heaters, blocked or leaking chimneys, leaking furnaces, gas water heaters, and automobiles in attached garages. An area exposed to CO must be evacuated and ventilated; further exposure can only be prevented by eliminating the source of the gas.
Molds of various types can be found anywhere there is sufficient moisture and can grow on almost an unlimited number of materials. Molds are allergens and can cause allergic reactions, asthma, and other respiratory problems. Allergic reaction can vary for each individual but can include nasal congestion, irritated eyes or skin, or wheezing. Fewer people have severe reactions, but it is possible for mold exposure to cause fever and shortness of breath, as well.
Molds can grow on nearly any surface where there is enough moisture. The only way, then to stop the growth of mold is to eliminate the moisture. In some locations that investigators find themselves - ruins and buildings near natural water sources - the source of moisture cannot be removed; investigators should be mindful of this and consult a physician or allergist if exposure is a serious concern.
Depending on the severity and type(s) of mold, abatement can be done by the property owner or through a professional service.
Ozone is a colorless gas that many have heard of in a positive light - the ozone layer that protects us from dangerous solar radiation. Indeed, ozone is beneficial in the atmosphere, but it does not belong in occupied areas, where it poses a danger.
Exposure to ozone can cause numerous respiratory ailments, including throat irritation, coughing, chest pain, and shortness of breath. It will also aggravate the symptoms of those with asthma and other respiratory problems. Longer-term exposure can cause permanent damage, including decreases in lung function and weakened defense against respiratory infection.
Some households and businesses have begun using ozone generators to clear and freshen the indoor air. Ozone generators, which intentionally produce the gas ozone, are often sold as air cleaners despite the dangers of ozone exposure. Additionally, copy machines produce ozone which in a confined space can also cause problems.
The simplest way to avoid ozone exposure is to remove the devices that generate it. Air cleaners that produce ozone - even those that claim to produce within acceptable ranges - should not be used in the home. Enclosure in a small room, especially, concentrates the gas and may increase the effects.
During any remodel replace old knob-and-tube wiring (a source of high fields) with modern wiring. If a new electrical transformer is installed near a building it may create high magnetic fields inside the building. Alternatively, a buffer space provided around the source transformer would reduce fields projected into the building. High EMF due to wiring errors can be corrected relatively easily as it is usually due to a connection error in a sub panel or junction box. Existing high EMF-producing facilities, such as electrical panels, established wiring routes, and load locations are often difficult to change. It may, however, be possible to rearrange usage of spaces adjacent to areas with high EMF.
Magnetic field readings of .01 - 1 mG are well within the range of commonly seen levels. Fields in the range of 1-10 mG are the subject of much medical controversy. If EMF is to be minimized, these levels indicate the presence of field sources which should be identified. Exposures of 10-100 mG are uncommon, and readings of more than 100 mG are rare. In order to verify these readings in occupied spaces the measurements should be repeated at different times of the day and week. Since EMF is directly proportionate to current flow the measured magnetic field levels originating from power lines will be markedly different for different seasons and times of the day. Because of the operating air conditioners a hot summer afternoon will usually have higher field levels than an autumn morning. A thorough field survey will reveal if these levels are present throughout the building or campus or if they are localized in specific areas.
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (ES) is a physiological disorder characterized by symptoms directly brought on by exposure to electromagnetic fields. It produces neurological and allergic-type symptoms. Symptoms may include, but are not limited to, headache, eye irritation, dizziness, nausea, skin rash, facial swelling, weakness, fatigue, pain in joints and/or muscles, buzzing/ringing in ears, skin numbness, abdominal pressure and pain, breathing difficulty, and irregular heartbeat. It can also cause what is referred to as a "Fear Cage", which is a high EMF reading in a small room or confined space. It can often cause feelings of uneasiness or paranoia as well as anxiety. Which can also cause a feeling ov being watched, that can lead to the misunderstanding that there is a presence or paranormal being present.
It is important to note that, because of the bodies dependence on electrical impulses to function, EMF sources can interfere with the bodies natural functions. Usually the EMFs are only strong enough to affect the mind, the EMFs send electrical impulses throughout the brain, effecting the brains most simple functions. They can cause nausea, paranoia, and hallucinations, as well as fear. This is why it is important to use EMF detectors when trying to "debunk" a claim of paranormal activity. If a high EMF is found the investigator can usually conclude that it is the source of the problem, things to look for without an EMF detector are large amounts of electronic devices in relatively small areas, also large amounts of conduits or high power lines running through areas close to the activity. If any of the symptoms described above occur, take a break and get out of the area for a while and the symptoms should go away.