EVP Page

What we believe to be "Click The Clicker". 
 This EVP was recorded in the basement of a private residence. Time
recorded was after midnight.

What we believe to be "Get Outta Here". 
This EVP was recorded on the 2nd floor of a private residence. Time
recorded 1:00 a.m.

What we believe to be "Karen", the name of the daughter of whom we
believe is speaking.  This EVP was recorded at a private resident
home after 1a.m.

What we believe to be "Karen" for a 2nd time, the name of the daughter
of whom we believe is speaking.  This EVP was recorded at a private
resident home after 1a.m.

What we believe to be "Run Little Doggy" This EVP was recorded after
midnight in the upstairs of a private residence.

EVP recorded after 11p.m. at a private
residence. This unknown voice is saying CARPET.

What we believe to be "I'm God Darn
Sorry".  This EVP was caught in the dining room at a private
residence after midnight. The voice is in a angry/saddened tone.

What we believe says, "I like painting"
or "Do you like painting". Recorded at a private residence.

We believe this EVP says "Get Out" near the end as well as hearing a
whispering voice near the end.

EVP - Draw your own conclusions as to what you hear.

This EVP may say the name "Matt".

thought we heard with my our own ears something tell me to ''get out''.
After that William asked if something told me to get out and we heard ''yessss''.

We believe this to say, "I love it here".